Should I Stay or Should I Go?

You’ve been in your current role for a while now, and you’ve made significant impacts. Perhaps you’ve navigated restructuring, or you’re seeing changes on the horizon. Maybe you’re feeling a lack of expansion opportunity or the challenges of the role just don’t excite you anymore. 

You’ve begun browsing LinkedIn more frequently, reading through job descriptions, and paying attention to the job change announcements of others in your network. 

But considering an exit is a big decision with many variables, and the analysis can be paralyzing. 

Is it time to make a move? 

To help you evaluate your options clearly, review the 12 key factors below and ask yourself the questions to determine whether you should stay or go. 

To help you organize your thoughts, we’ve created a FREE Decisioning Grid. Download it below


When was the last time you learned something new or tackled a novel challenge? Are you doing your job on autopilot, or are there still opportunities to grow?


What kind of autonomy do you have in making decisions in your current job? How hard is it to earn executive buy-in? 

Work Environment

How is team transparency? How open is communication at the team level and cross-functionally? How is knowledge shared? 

Work/Life Balance

How much time do you have for family, hobbies, and relaxation? What does it feel like to turn off the laptop in the evening? What is the quality of your sleep like?  


How are you compensated relative to the current market? Does your pay allow you to do your best work or does thinking about the financial part of your role make you uneasy?


Are your teams clear on and excited about the mission? Are they eager to help and collaborate? Or is everyone stressed and pushed to the max? Have teams become apathetic, doing the bare minimum? 


How do you feel about handling work pressures? What is your energy level like at work? Do you feel exhausted or frazzled? 

Values Alignment

How does the mission of the company align with your values? How are company values communicated? Are they exemplified, or are they just marketing propaganda?  


How do you feel at the end of the work day? What kind of impact are you making at your organization? How does it feel to deal with corporate policies and navigate stakeholder relationships? 


What level of trust do you feel in the leadership at your company? How are leadership decisions affecting long-term success? 


When was the last time someone thanked you for your work? How often do you receive kudos from leadership? 


Lastly, think about where your job is located. How is the commute? How do you feel about your office space? Would you rather work remotely? Would you rather work in an office? 

By the time you’ve thoroughly evaluated these 12 factors, a decision to stay or go should be clear. If not, you might consider hiring a career coach.

Book a free Career Consultation today to talk through your situation.


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