The Worst Time

You just had the final interview for a position you’re excited about. The hiring manager has a few more people to interview and they said they’d get back to you soon. You haven’t progressed in other interview rounds and feel like this is your only shot. 

We call the period between final interviews and a job offer The Worst Time. You can’t really do anything else at this point to convince them to hire you. You have to hope you did enough to convince them you’re the best person for the job. 

And it’s easy to obsess over every little detail. You find yourself rewording interview answers in your head or re-reading every email communication like tea leaves looking for clues as to whether they liked you or not.

So, what can you do to keep yourself from going crazy during the worst time? Here are three ways to keep busy and keep sane.

Try to detach.

To stay sane in the job search, you have to detach yourself from the outcomes because the outcomes are out of your control. 

Keep in mind that whether or not you get an offer (and the timing) is affected by a variety of factors that don't involve you or your worth. This includes company budget, potential leadership changes, revenue changes, vacations in HR or the hiring team, competing priorities, needing a specific skill set, and more. 

It's impossible to guess what’s going on internally, so just don’t. Detachment is easier said than done, however. But, try to temper your expectations and maybe binge-watch a show or pick up a new hobby in the meantime. 

Have an abundance mindset.

Even though it feels like this opportunity is the only one, it is not. There are plenty of fish in the sea, so to speak. And even though they are difficult to catch, they’re out there.

You are capable of getting other offers. Maybe the next job you interview for is better than this one. Maybe your dream job is the next one you interview for. 

A scarcity mindset gives you less power in the job search and negotiation process. If you think this is your only opportunity, you might be willing to settle for less than you want. 

An abundance mindset, however, will give you power. If you know you deserve more, you’ll get more. 

Keep applying for other jobs. 

Along those lines, don’t stop your job search. As you know, the job search takes time. If you pause your efforts while waiting to hear back, you’re wasting time. Because if you don’t get the offer, you’ll have to start your efforts from square one. 

But, if you continue applying for other jobs, you could have an interview lined up by the time you hear back. 

Applying for jobs also helps you to feel in control. You can’t control much in the search, but you can control what you do. The number of applications, number of connection requisitions, and number of coffee chats are entirely in your control. And whether you see it or not, those efforts help you find a job.

Are you in the job search and struggling to get interviews or offers? Raven Road Partners offers free career consultation sessions. Try it today! 


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