
Navigating career transitions with compassion and expertise.

Harness our Guidance and Expertise

Raven Road is committed to guiding individuals toward new opportunities. With a tailored approach, we harness our expertise and experience to empower professionals during challenging times. Whether streamlining job searches, enhancing skillsets, or providing strategic advice, we are the partner you can trust to facilitate a seamless journey to a brighter professional future.

Support employees affected by layoffs

  • Coaching

    Custom coaching, support, advice, and direction from our career coaches to help individuals find their next opportunity.

  • Education

    How to find a new job isn’t always straightforward. Our coaches will teach individuals how to write a new resume, optimize their LinkedIn profile, networking strategies, interview tips, and more.

  • Support

    The affects of restructuring cause uncertainty, anxiety, and worry. Impacted individuals need unbiased support during this time, to navigate a hazy future.

“I stumbled upon The Resume Rehab group when I received unexpected news that my 22-year tenure with an organization was coming to an end. Fear and uncertainty overwhelmed me as I grappled with an uncertain future. My thoughts and actions were in disarray as I embarked on the journey to find a new career.

With exceptional emotional intelligence and a wealth of knowledge, Debi and Dana not only rekindled my confidence but also bolstered my self-esteem, leading the way as I transformed not only my resume but also my interview skills.

The Resume Rehab group has the tools to guide you toward your desired destination.”

Marla R., Atlanta

Everything they need to get back on their feet.

Job Search Strategy

A rewarding career starts with a focused job search strategy. Individuals:

  • Define their target role to feel confident in their search.

  • Apply for roles that are meant for them.


Individuals learn how to engage the interviewer while telling their best success stories.

  • They’ll learn to share thier successes in a succinct and compelling way.


A proven, professional, and clean resume that gets interviews.

  • Our actionable steps create strong messaging that will draw attention to candidate’s successes and define their value.

Self-Guided Lessons

Our self-guided lessons offer practical instruction and hands-on practice.

  • 3 instructional videos

  • 3 hands-on exercises to practice your approach


We help individuals succeed with advice tailored to thier unique needs.

  • 1:1 Deep Dive Call

  • Coaching sessions


A valuable library of curated resources and custom guides.

  • Job Search Guide

  • Resume Writing Guide

  • Networking Made Easy

LinkedIn Overhaul

Candidates learn how to optimize their LinkedIn profiles to attract opportunities.

  • Maximize key words to show up in more searches

  • Publish content to hone their brand as a thought-leader.

Interview Prep

Individuals are taught how to be strategic in the interview to maximize their time and move on to the next job.

  • They’ll learn how to map their skills to key words in the job description.

  • Prepare relevant BRAG stories to impress the hiring manager.

Network to Get Work

The traditional spray-and-pray approach is ineffective. Candidates will learn how to build a strong networking strategy to find more opportunities.

  • LinkedIn messaging templates offer a proven and easy approach to securing more coffee chats.

Learn more about Outplacement Services