Career Coaching

“I increased my base pay by $50K from negotiating for the very first time in my career!”

San W, Atlanta

We give you everything you need to find meaningful work



We are here to help you succeed with advice tailored to your unique needs.

  • 1:1 Deep Dive Call

  • 1:1 Coaching Calls

  • Unlimited Email Support


Our Network

Chances are we can make an introduction for you at companies or in industries that you’re targeting.

  • Personal Networks

  • Former Clients

  • Online Professional Networks



Coaching sessions help bring you clarity, insight, and strategy to find your most meaningful work.

  • Hone your story

  • Craft a personal brand

  • Develop a networking plan

  • Explore career paths


Resources + Guides

A valuable library of curated resources and custom guides.

  • Job Search Guide

  • Resume Writing Guide

  • Networking Made Easy

  • LinkedIn 101

  • And more!

“I’m thoroughly enjoying my new role. Not only am I pacing beyond what was expected of me, I’m being recognized for it. I can’t thank y’all enough for helping me end up where I feel like I truly belong!”

Hayden, Chattanooga

Coaching clients have :

Received an offer for $190K

Found a better career fit

Gone from laid off to hired within 2 weeks

Left a toxic work envinronment

Negotiated for a sign-on bonus

Found mission-driven work they believe in

And gotten offers from:

Best Buy, Booz Allen, Inuitivie, UPS, Unun, Mamva, Equifax, CTAA, The Home Depot, McAfee

“My favorite part about the process was coming to the realization of how valuable I actually am!”

Sabrina, Las Vegas

Coaching Calls

Become the dream candidate that dream companies are hiring!


Job Searching Hacks

Think applying for a job is all about submitting applications? Think again. Learn how to hack the job search process.


BRAG Your Story

Learn why the BRAG method is so effective, practice your stories out loud, and work through examples.


Build a Strong Resume

Learn what matters to decision-makers and implement best practices to make sure your resume is optimized and exceptionally compelling.


LinkedIn 101

Learn the ABCs of LinkedIn in this comprehensive online course. We'll unravel the secrets of an all-star profile.


Network to Get Work

Learn how to land your dream job without mindlessly applying to companies online. We’ll make introductions to our networks when it makes sense.


Interview Prep

To win an interview, you’ve got to say less. Learn techniques to make an impact with your story and move on to the next round.


Salary Negotiation

Don’t leave money on the table. Learn specific tactics and exactly what to say in the negotiation process to get the most out of your offer.


Career Curation

Explore your values, interests, & skills. Learn about career paths that might lie at the intersection. Receive direction and support to help you learn more about possible paths forward.

“With exceptional emotional intelligence and a wealth of knowledge, Dana and Debi not only rekindled my confidence but also bolstered my self-esteem.”

Marla, Atlanta

Curated Guides and Resources


Job Search Guide


Tell Your Story


Resume Writing Guide


  • The program is curated for your specific needs, but the average program is one 1 hour deep dive followed by 6 30 minute weekly sessions. Contact us today for a no-obligation quote.

  • We partner with you to update your resume and teach you resume best practices. But, it is not a done-for-you service.

  • Between the two of us, we’ve reviewed countless resumes and conducted thousands of interviews. Our backgrounds in corporate recruiting and higher education make us uniquely positioned to be experts in how to find a job and know how to teach it effectively.