Take Advantage of the Hidden Job Market in 5 Steps
Debi Creasman Debi Creasman

Take Advantage of the Hidden Job Market in 5 Steps

If you're in the middle of a job change journey, you might have noticed how challenging it is to land an interview. 🙄 If you're applying online, especially if you're using the "easy apply" button, you are one of thousands of applicants. With those numbers, the likelihood of a recruiter or hiring manager ever seeing your resume is very slim.

It's time to evolve your job search strategy and tap into the hidden job market!

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Executive Coach vs. Career Coach — Which is Right for You?
Dana Daniele Dana Daniele

Executive Coach vs. Career Coach — Which is Right for You?

I’m going to bet that for most of your career, you’ve been doing it alone. Maybe you’ve had a mentor here or there, but you got to where you are through grit and determination.

Here’s the thing: doing it alone can only get you so far. At some point you’re going to face a challenge that you have no idea how to handle. Or what’s worked in the past is not working now. When you get to that point, you should consider hiring a coach.

Coaches offer guidance and support tailored to your unique goals and challenges. But, what kind of coach do you need? Executive coach? A career coach?

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How to Help Without the Hassle
Dana Daniele Dana Daniele

How to Help Without the Hassle

You’re an executive who’s worked hard to get to your position in life.

One of two things is likely true about your success and your current role:

The outcomes you’ve delivered have led to progressively higher levels of responsibility. Previous leaders have asked you to join them as they’ve moved on to new companies.

You’ve left previous roles on your own, or have faced a rift/layoff. You’ve braved the job change journey filled with networking and online applications.

Either way, your success has been dependent on the people around you, in addition to your own efforts.

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When Your Job is Bigger Than Your Title
Debi Creasman Debi Creasman

When Your Job is Bigger Than Your Title

Is your job title lower than it should be? Does the level of your role imply the full scope of your responsibilities? For example, you're a Director with a P&L in the tens of millions, but that same role would easily be considered VP level at another company.

If so, looking for a new role with the job title you deserve might be challenging. Recruiters and hiring managers want to hire someone with a current title that is at least as high as their open role. Director ➡ Director, VP ➡ VP. You get it.

So, how do you make sure your resume isn't passed over for being underqualified?

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