Escape the Sunday Scaries

It’s Sunday night, and your anxiety has been brewing all day. You’re thinking about what tomorrow will bring. Will your boss be in a good mood or a bad mood? Will they like your work tomorrow or will they inexplicably hate it? Will there be another round of layoffs? Can you handle your workload in 8 hours or will it be another 15-hour day?

We’ve all been there. The toxic work environment. In one job, I had frequent panic attacks during meetings with my micromanager boss. In another, my boss would tell us we were amazing one day and then threaten us with our jobs the next.

(This particular boss lied about being in another country for a week and instead stayed at home, so maybe it was projecting?)

In any case, life is too short to stay in a toxic work relationship. You deserve to work in an environment that respects your work and your time. That practices healthy communication and boundaries. That values you and fills you up, rather than drains you of everything you’re worth.

And if you’ve been in a toxic relationship for a long time or if you keep jumping from toxic job to toxic job, it might feel like that’s all there is.

But, that’s a lie.

There is a better life out there. We’ve experienced this change and we want it for you. Heck, that’s why we started The Resume Rehab in the first place.

It will take work. You have to find your confidence. You have to be courageous. You have to be vulnerable. You have to endure rejection.

But, you can do it. And you don’t have to do it alone.

Contact us to learn more about our Career Coaching offerings.

Change your job. Change your life.

What we’re reading 👉:


Interview Mistakes That Will Cost You The Job


Resilience is a Superpower