How to Add AI to Your Hiring Strategy Without Losing Human Connection

There’s no doubt that AI can supercharge the way you hire. It can help you attract, screen, assess, and even interview job candidates. And, its ability to process and filter information increases efficiency exponentially over the speed of a human recruiter. 

However, candidates are beginning to bristle at being churned through an AI-driven hiring process. There’s no human connection in One-way interviews, and extensive personality assessments dismiss the importance of candid exchange and rapport building that’s necessary in assessing “fit” during the recruitment process. Too much automation in hiring produces a bad candidate experience. And, a bad candidate experience can severely impact a company’s ability to attract and retain top talent. 

In most cases, a company’s talent accounts for 65% of the company’s value, according to a study by the Kelley School of Business. So, attraction and retention of top talent are critically important to the success of the organization.

To attract the best of the best, hiring processes should have company culture built-in, with people in mind. If a top candidate doesn’t feel valued, perceives bias, or if they feel they’ve wasted their time, this poor experience can easily cause them to back out of the running.  

However, AI in the hiring process is an incredibly beneficial addition to a great hiring strategy. To streamline efficiencies while still ensuring a positive candidate experience that promotes company culture, leverage AI as a complement to a people-centric strategy. Here’s how.

Learn more about hiring with Raven Road Partners

Streamline Candidate Sourcing with AI

Traditional candidate sourcing methods often involve manual resume screening and keyword searches, which can be time-consuming and prone to bias. AI-powered tools leverage natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to analyze resumes and job descriptions accurately, matching candidates based on skills and qualifications.

Keep in mind that sometimes the best candidates aren’t the best job seekers. While the candidate may perform at a high level on the job, their resume may not include enough keywords to get past automated filters. To avoid missing someone great, make sure filters are set to screen for base-level requirements. From there, have recruiters review applicants manually with a critical eye. 

Better yet, hire a talent solutions, recruiting, or staffing firm to source, evaluate, interview and hand select the most qualified candidates for you. Companies like Raven Road Partners are experts in sourcing candidates and sorting through resumes with a people-centered approach. Our process is optimized to find you the best candidate for the job, not just the best resume.

Enhancing Candidate Assessment with AI

Use an AI tool such as to transcribe speech-to-text in virtual meetings. With this tool you and your recruitment team can focus on the candidate during the interview rather than worrying about taking notes. Allow an AI tool to capture detailed information of every conversation. Review the transcription later to assess and analyze the conversation, then save the notes easily for future use. 

In this case, AI supports building a human connection with candidates, while reducing potential human error of missing critical information. 

For support in tailoring interview questions or building a rubric for the hiring team, consider using Raven Road Partners to help establish interviewing best practices. We have interviewed thousands of candidates and bring deep expertise in properly assessing fit, skills, and professionalism across a wide variety of roles and industries. 

Mitigating Bias in Hiring

Bias in recruitment is a huge concern in the hiring process. To mitigate the risk of bias, use AI to help hide names of job applicants. Shield the initial candidate screening from gender or race-based bias, and create a skills-based rubric to assess candidates, thereby reducing the risk of bias based on class and/or opportunity. 

Consider hiring Raven Road Partners to support unbiased hiring processes. Our combined 20+ years of experience comes with a strong background in mitigating bias in hiring. Restassured that the candidates we source are the best candidates for the role and can enhance your diversity and inclusion initiatives.

The Future of AI in Recruitment

As AI technology advances, its role in recruitment will continue to evolve at a rapid pace, but this change doesn’t have to be a challenge. Raven Road Partners will continue to keep up to date with trends in the hiring process, so you don’t have to. We shoulder the work of recruitment so that you can focus on meeting and selecting the cream of the crop. 

Contact us today to learn more.


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