Is your “safe” job suffocating you?

One of our clients is a smart, "out of the box" thinker. She has spent the last several years working as a respected Analyst where she is appreciated by her team and feels comfortable in her environment. She works remotely. She makes OK money. Her job is fine.

But she spends every workday thinking about not being in this job. Her mind is distracted and she doesn't feel fulfilled at work. She would love to make a change, but to what? She's unsure of her direction, and the thought of doing more of the same job is paralyzing.

How did she get here? 

She started her career in Chemistry, working in a lab on a short-term contract. She loves nature. She's a kickass photographer who captures the very essence and inimitable beauty of this earth. And, she drives an RV from coast to coast capturing the landscape with her camera.

Somewhere along the way, she ended up in a job that paid the bills but didn't feel particularly special. She took the role because she wanted job security. She needs consistent income and her role feels safe. She can't afford to risk pursuing a role in photography, travel, or related to any other part of her creative side. 

Have you ever felt confined to your role by similar fears? 

What if, rather than working to reduce risk you opt to influence it?

There's a way to become more aware of your true, deeply personal motivations. And by knowing your values and what drives you most, you can influence your future. By trusting yourself, rather than the societal ideal of a career path, you can identify the right role for you and take luck out of the equation.

Learn how to bet on yourself.

Think about a time when you fully dedicated yourself to a person, a task, or an activity. You decided your direction, you used your energy to move in the direction you chose. Can you trust yourself to apply the same energy to your career? Would you succeed if you found something that truly lit you up on a daily basis? Of course you can, and of course you would!

But, you have to start by identifying your intrinsic motivations. When you know yourself well, you'll know how and when to bet on yourself. You'll know your strengths, and you'll seek opportunities to use them to your advantage.

Your abilities and judgment of what's right for you are yours alone.

When you embark on a role that is uniquely fulfilling to you, work begins to resonate with you in a whole new way.

There could be parts of you that have been dormant and malnourished for some time. Find someone to help you surface those motivations, talents, and values so you can take control of your fulfillment.

Curate your career by aligning your motives, your values, and your skills to your role. Own your happiness with personalized success that is unique to you.

👉What we’re reading:


You’re a Unicorn!


How to Prepare for the September Surge