Four Tips for Getting More Interviews

Recruiters spend an average of 6 seconds with your resume before they move on or decide to look more closely. An AI-driven applicant tracking system spends about a millisecond.

Four tips for getting noticed fast:

🧠 Job Description-first Mindset
Make sure to review and edit your resume from the perspective of the hiring authority. Use the job description as your guide and make sure the top 5 key words (use Chat GPT) are all over your resume.

πŸ“° Page 1, "Above The Fold" is Prime Real Estate
Remember newspapers? The top half of page 1 is the most valuable part of the whole paper because it gathers the most eyeballs with the least effort. The same goes for your resume, so choose this content wisely. (Wisely = use the job description as a guide.)

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’Ό Executive Summary Section
The space just under your name and contact info acts as a mini cover letter that shares how your skills are relevant to the role. It should be packed with keywords from. the. job. description.

πŸ“ˆ Key Successes Section
Don't expect the reader, human or digital, to scan your whole resume to get an idea of what you've done. No critical thinking skills should be required. Package your successes (as they relate to the job description) with a nice bow in three or four bullet points just under your Exec Summary.

Need help using the job description as a guide? Let's talk.


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