Control Over Your Career

I graduated college in 2008. If you recall, the job market was a mess in 2008. It was difficult to find any job, let alone a job in my field, as a fresh graduate. I ended up taking a job at an ice cream shop making $9 / hr and worked my way up from there. From there on out, I said yes to any offer I got, no questions asked. I was grateful to have a paying opportunity to support myself, and I didn’t think I had control over my career path.

After a while, the job market started to improve, but my mindset did not. I assumed that the hiring managers had all the power and that I had no choice but to accept what was offered to me. This scarcity mindset held me back for far too long.

I didn’t negotiate salary until I was 33 years old. I didn’t turn down a job offer until I was 35.

Once I realized that I had some power, things changed for me. I finally recognized that I had options, and having options allowed me to say no to the options that didn’t fit my vision of my life. It also allowed me the freedom to push back and negotiate for a better salary, more vacation time, or a sign-on bonus.

When you change your mindset from one of scarcity to one of abundance, suddenly your options multiply.

You have the patience to wait for something better to come along because you KNOW it will. You dare to negotiate salary because you KNOW you’re worth it. You can take charge of your career, and leave behind options that don’t fit with your vision.

So, take this as permission to take charge of your career. Say no. Ask for more. Walk away.

You are in control of your career.

You just need the confidence and patience to accept nothing less than what you deserve.

What we’re reading 👉:


Opening New Doors


Confessions of a Hiring Fail