20 Essential Questions to Uncover Fit During the Interview Process

Remember: You have power in the job search process. You have the freedom to walk away from opportunities that aren't the right fit for you. It's perfectly acceptable to ask questions that help you determine whether a job aligns with your needs and aspirations.

The worst outcome of a job search is ending up in a position that treats you no better, or even worse, than your current situation. The whole purpose of searching for a job is to find something better—a role that respects your worth and appreciates the value you bring to the table.

So, how can you find a better job? Companies won't explicitly state, "We have a toxic work environment with terrible managers." However, by asking the right questions, you can read between the lines and assess whether or not to proceed with the hiring process.

To assist you in making an informed decision, here are 20 Questions to ask interviewers to help you determine if it’s the right job for you.

Questions about Company Culture. These are great questions to ask HR during your initial screening interview. You can learn a lot about the company structure, how much the company invests in its employees, pay structure, and benefits from your first interview.

  1. Why are you hiring for this position?

  2. What training and development opportunities do you offer employees?

  3. How are raises handled?

  4. What is the bonus structure?

  5. What are the benefits?

  6. Does the company usually hire internally or externally for open positions?

  7. What does onboarding for new employees look like?

Questions about the Role. Ask these during the hiring manager interview. You’ll want to learn how you’ll be working together with the hiring manager, how they define success, and how they manage. Their answers can uncover what’s expected of you and how the manager communicates.

  1. What KPIs are used to measure success?

  2. How can I help you succeed in your role?

  3. What qualities are you looking for in a candidate?

  4. What are some pet peeves you have as a manager?

  5. What is the work/life balance like?

  6. What is your management style? How do you handle problems?

  7. What is expected to happen within the first 90 days? The first year?

Questions about the Team. You can ask these questions during a panel interview or during the interview with the hiring manager. Learning about team dynamics and what the team likes or doesn’t like about the company can illuminate potential red and green flags.

  1. What qualities do you look for in a teammate?

  2. What challenges are you currently facing as a team?

  3. How does this position fit into the team structure?

  4. What do you like about working here?

  5. What could you improve about working here?

Question to ask if you want the job. If you get through your line of questioning and you end up really wanting the job, make sure that you’ve addressed all of their potential concerns. This can be coupled with a direct ask for the job, but make sure you leave some room to address any hesitations the hiring manager might have.

  1. Do you have any concerns about my profile that I can address before our time together is over?

By incorporating these questions into your interviews, you'll have a clearer understanding of whether the job is right for you. This will help you find your next great job.

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